Tuesday, October 21, 2014

ColdFusion Summit 14 Presentation Slides and Code

Well, I would like to start this post by thanking everyone involved in this year's CFSummit. By everyone, I do mean each individual person involved even the attendees as without you there is no conference. It was truly a great experience! This being my first time speaking publicly, I can't deny that my nerves where getting the best of me but after a few minutes it just felt like being on stage again after so many years, just without a physical instrument.  I truly hope some of you walked away with helpful knowledge and I am always available to talk, so feel free to email me and as long as my schedule allows I will reply within a day's time.

I have added my slides to the GitHub repo with my presentation code under the /slides folder. So if you have pulled the repo, just do a new pull to get the slides or they can be downloaded using the following link.


All the code base is available publicly so feel free to download and play with.

My friend did record my presentation but unfortunately it is in different formats and in 3 parts in order for it to have fit in our memory card. I am reviewing it and I am going to attempt to paste all together into one clip and I will post if successful.

Again thank you everyone! This might be a new thing for me and hopefully I will be given the opportunity to present again.