Thursday, August 19, 2010

Apple store down .. 1:00 AM .. why am I checking?

Weird .. up late .. checking, looking at the new iPad commercial. Apple is amazing!

And then .. the store is down .... on a Thursday without any blog craziness today?

I wonder what they have up their sleeve?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Adobe Web Fonts

Adobe Web Fonts on TypeKit.

I recently started using TypeKit which I can say I love and now even more!!!!

Adobe Web Fonts on TypeKit

The Future of Self-Service Banking

I came across this link from another blog I follow ( This is pretty amazing and I recommend checking it out.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

DaisyDisk App Review and Coupon Code!

So last night for the first time in over 2 years I decided to defrag my drive and get rid of some stuff that I rarely ever use (like soundtrack pro and its 20g of audio files .. etc). This morning I still wanted to see if there was anything else I can get rid of but wanted a visual way of seeing where the space was taken and I remember this app that I read about somewhere called DaisyDisk. So I googled it, found it and downloaded it. WIthin seconds of just running this fantastic app I decided to purchase and as usual I love to just randomly type in anything in coupon code fields and low and behold it worked again for me today. So here goes .... explanation, review and coupon code.

What is DaisyDisk (as per their site)
DaisyDisk scans your disks and presents their content as interactive maps where you can easily spot unusually large files and remove them to get more free space. The map gives you an overview of your data, so you always know what your hard disks are filled with.

My Review
Easy to use, fast and utterly amazing results. Definitely a masterpiece utility app for seeing your harddrive(s) contents visually and on the fly.

Coupon Code
Type APPLE, which gave me a discount of $4.99 - so I ended up paying $14.96 for this amazing app.

I hope this helps some of you out there.

Click here to go to DaisyDisk Site

As far as Defrag of your drives, even though this is something that is really not that necessary on Macs as it is on PCs, there are several options out there, like (Techtool Pro and Drive Genius - that do a lot) but I prefer the simple and inexpensive solution Coriolis Systems iDefrag.

Click here to go to iDefrag product page

The only reason I honestly defrag was that I freed up over 60Gb of space on my drive and I wanted everything organized better, with large blocks available (which I assume that is what happens - not an expert here).

I recommend the following ....
Mac OS X version 10.6 Snow Leopard
Mac OS X Snow Leopard Family Pack (5-User)
Mac Box Set รข€“ (with Snow Leopard)