Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ColdFusion Application.cfc/Application.cfm lookup order gotcha!

So today I experienced this weird problem that had me going crazy and basically it is not a bug just a new feature that I wasn't thinking of. ColdFusion 9 has a new lookup order for an Application file, basically by default it will look all the way up to the system root rather than the web root.

So this morning I downloaded a file for a customer I had to review for some changes. This file is an Application.cfc file and I had placed it in my user folder. Now my web root is in my "user folder"/Workspace/Site/ and every time I was trying to browse to it I kept getting a cfmail error. Now my simple index.cfm had nothing in it that specified a cfmail action. So I then decided to set a default mail server on my local instance of CF and look at my undeliverable folder because I knew it would fail. Alas, I recognized the error and it was coming from this Application.cfc, but how? There you go .. that was my gotcha and then I remember about the new lookup. So I logged in to admin, went to settings and changed the lookup to go stop at my web root and error fixed.

Hope this helps someone, it only took a second for me to figure out but I decided, what the hell, let me write about it.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Read this! New book from 37 Signals "Rework"

Yesterday, the wonderful guys at 37Signals released their latest book "Rework" which of course I bought and I am almost done reading, well actually listening to. I really admire this company and I get a lot of inspiration from them. I originally learned about them when I started using Basecamp. I went on to purchase and read their first book "Getting Real" which is now available for free to read online (Getting Real - Click here to read online). That book really helped me a lot in regards to how I develop and they as a company have inspired me to make certain decisions. Even though I have yet to finalize my execution of them, I am hard at work at doing them.

Well enough of that. Click here to find out more about ReWork and get your copy today! If you do decide to buy, be a kind person and click on one of my link below to purchase from amazon :-).

I am an iPad owner

Yeap, I did it, I couldn't help myself. Just like being one of the first in line to get an iPhone back in '07, now I am repeating this with the new iPad for '10. I know, apple is $601.02 richer but so far no buyers regret and it will be in my hands on April 3rd. I see it this way, it is 20 days before my birthday, so Happy Birthday to me and I am planning to develop on it so if I get my act together it should turn into a very small investment. I bought the following:

  • iPad 16gb with wifi
  • iPad case
  • iPad dock

So did anyone else have this compulsive addiction disorder to purchase apple products like I did and if so which one did you get?