Jason Dean : Adding more resource navigator filters to ColdFusion Builder Eclipse
In short here are the quick instructions:
- Go to the Plugins Directory of your CFBuilder install
- Grab the file com.adobe.ide.coldfusion.ui_1.0.0.274293.jar - might be named different due to your install - basically the last numbers is your current CFBuilder build
- Move the file somewhere you can work, like your desktop
- Unzip the file - remember a jar file is just a zip and you should not have any trouble unzipping on your mac (if windows just change .jar to .zip)
- In an editor open up plugin.xml and plugin.properties
Find the filter pattern block and add your custom filters there like so (below are the 2 I did) ...plugin.properties
Then in the properties file just add a description for each of your new entries (filter.description.#)Once you are done you have to place them back into your jar file, so in a terminal window run the following command. (This is assuming you have both of your files in the same directory as your jar)
Now in Jason Dean's post he states that you may have to start Eclipse or CFBuilder with the -clean parameter, which cleans and reinitializes the Workspace and I came up with this post from Adobe.
Clean and reinitialize workspaceBasically in a terminal window navigate to the Contents/MacOS/ path inside the app like so ...
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