Thursday, November 02, 2006

MAX 2006 Flashback

Well, everyone in the world has blogged about MAX 2006 and as you all know it was good. I was excited to see the Blue Man Group open up the Max and hearing about all the new and upcoming things that Adobe is bringing to the table. I also want to note, that it goes to show that Adobe was not shy with spending money for this convention. Except for the last day, when I felt like I was getting kicked out - the food died down to a sandwich in a box and after the last class, they all left like a one night stand.

On the classes, I sure wish I would've done what I did the last day. Even though it was great hearing and seeing about what's to come with ColdFusion, it just felt like hour long commercials. On the last day I decided to go to the character animation class presented by Chris Georgenes from Mud Bubble. This was by far the GREATEST class/presentation I went to. I loved how he bashed on powerpoint slides and got down to really showing you tips and getting to the point that the class name portrayed. Most classes were labeled one thing and the speaker never got to the point. For example, one was cue points in flash video and how to handle them with actionscript, etc. The speaker spent 80% of the class on other things except the cue points. I don't mean to bash, but I think some presentations should have been name better and I know a lot more people feel how I felt. Especially after witnessing the verbal beating a CF .NET presenter got in the Q and A portion of the presentation.

This was a great experience overall and there was as many ups as downs. Did you know that Adobe gives free soda and candy to their developers? Freaking great. After every presentation it showed as there was plenty to pick from while walking from presentation to presentation (Sodas, Candy, Chips, Ice Cream .... on and on and on). I wonder if Adobe has a gym at their facilities as well.

I am not a great writer and I am going to try to start blogging more as I want to involve myself more in the community. I will definitely start writing more about Flex 2 as I learn more and more. I did take one of the pre-conference classes on Flex and it was great. So, no promises but I will try to blog more from now on. I also want to bring this knowledge to my ColdFusion User Group (South Florida). I am always scared to do a presentation and it is probably since I only did one on certification. Signing out for now ....


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